Reserve POA at Waterford
 The Reserve at Waterford Property Owners Association, Inc. (Reserve POA) is a   neighborhood association organized in a similar manner as Waterford (WMRA). 
The Association elects its own officers, hires a management company, 
has annual meetings, collects dues from members, sets policies and rules
for the Reserve common areas and facilities, and administers a budget
to support the association.
 The Reserve at Waterford is in two separate neighborhoods:
Reserve 1 is entered off Royal Palm Way or Pine Harvest Drive and consists of Patio Homes on Heron Run Drive and Stonebridge Lane and Sandy Beach Circle and Townhomes on Sandy Beach Circle, Little Egret Run, North Sanderling Drive, Storm Petrel Drive, Townes Court, and East Shearwater Lane.
Reserve 2 is entered off Woodwind Drive East and consists of Patio Homes on Fanning Court and Townhomes on Braewood Court.
Review an informative Brochure about the Reserve at Waterford at this link:
Reserve POA Board
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POA Documents/Policies/Forms
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Reserve Committees
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Visitors Information About Reserve POA
The Reserve at Waterford is within the greater Waterford community, in two separate neighborhoods.  
Reserve 1 is entered off Royal Palm Way or Pine Harvest Drive and consists of Patio Homes on Heron Run Drive and Stonebridge Lane and Sandy Beach Circle and Townhomes on Sandy Beach Circle, Little Egret Run, North Sanderling Drive, Storm Petrel Drive, Townes Court, and East Shearwater Lane;
Reserve 2 is entered off Woodwind Drive East and consists of Patio Homes on Fanning Court and Townhomes on Braewood Court.
Quarterly Dues
The amount of dues is set by the Board of Directors each year, upon approval of the Annual Budget.  The Reserve POA Budget for 2024 totals $659,604.00.  All Reserve POA members/owners pay dues on a quarterly basis. The due dates are: January 1st, April 1st, July 1st,and October 1st.
Because of different amenities, the Townhome owners pay a greater amount of dues than Patio Home owners. The breakdown of 2024 dues follows:

Townhomes = $1,083.00 quarterly
Patio Homes = $ 399.00 quarterly